What I Offer

The Book

Get your copy of The Lost Art and Science of Professional Wrestling today!

Mic Work Analysis

Get an unbiased, constructive examination of an interview you have done.

Full Match Analysis

A complete breakdown and analysis of one of your matches with key insights.

Detailed Explanation

In addition to the book, you can get expert, unbiased feedback on your matches and interviews to up your game!

Interview Review

Interview Review

Get an expert breakdown of one of your interviews or in-ring promos based on the core concepts found in the book. Brutal honest is guaranteed but with an eye towards improvement!.

Match Review

Match Review

A thorough breakdown of one of your recent matches from start to finish with no punches pulled (for a change) and a real eye towards what works and what didn't..

The Book Itself

The Book Itself

The ultimate resource and guide for how to apply the real-world examples of time-testing techniques for understanding and appreciating our favorite sport!.



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What a great read!

"I have to say, the examples you gave of what you did were just amazing! Funny, vicious and insightful, they are what really keep me reading."

You've got to be kidding me!

"I've been a wrestling fan for over 30 years and I have to say this book has made me miss how things were done more than ever but really made me appreciate even more when I see it today! How did you do that?"

Insightful and long overdue

"I've been waiting for a book like this to come along for quite some time. The analysis is perfect, the advice sound and should be required reading for every wrestler."

Where was this 5 years ago?!?!

"This is AMAZING!! If I had this 5 years ago when I started I would have done EVERYTHING differently!! Incredible and it has CHANGED MY STYLE completely!"